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Ancillary Port Services

  • We provide a service to supply, install, operate, and maintain facilities, equipment, and services during the construction period.

  • In preparation for up and coming windfarms and existing sites we have pooled together in detail then analysed the local capabilities in providing ancillary services. We now have a comprehensive list of suppliers and commitment to provide these services.

  • We currently can support your offshore wind farm in the following areas East Coast Scotland, North Devon, South West Wales and East Anglia.


We are very aware that ports contribute to cost reduction and efficiency and are central to the development of offshore wind. They play a key role throughout the lifecycle of an offshore wind project, from initial installation, through to operations and maintenance, and eventual decommissioning


At Zcom ancillary port services we provide support integrating the local supply chain, providing  logistics and supporting infrastructure.


Your need backed up by local companies and organisations who know the local challenges and have a proven track record in your requirements.


Advantages of using us:


  • Competent support team where communication is key.

  • Bespoke software system to ensure delivery of the right service at the right time at the right place. SIMPLE

  • Local knowledge & Employment.

  • Carbon saving 


can include

Smoking shelters 


Office area Fire alert and alarm systems (Option) 


OCB Fire and Emergency Call Points 


Fire extinguishers incl. testing and charging 


OCB Area and Building signage. 


Installation, testing and commissioning of Fibre Optic Network cabling. 


Supply, installation, and commissioning of office WIFI services 


Supply, installation, and commissioning of CCTV systems 


Supply and erection of Notice boards 


Commissioning of Meeting room facilities – projectors, screens, WIFI set-up etc. Mobile Lighting Towers incl. repair and maintenance 


Supply of Office Incidentals 


Office Furniture 


Kitchen Appliances and Drinks Dispensers (Water fountains, Coffee machines etc.) 


Storage Units and Lockers 


Rigging equipment sale or hire service. 


Containerized Storage Demobilization and disposal of all supplied and installed 




Waste skips and site bins including the removal of waste from site. Road sweeping Services


Materials Handling Equipment Rental - call off arrangement. 


Generator Hire – call off arrangement. 


Security Personnel – Option (as required) 


Drug and Alcohol Testing Services 


Spill Management Kits 


Contract crane hire and associated management – call off arrangement. 


Tools and Small Plant Supply – call-off arrangement 


Road sweeping services – call off arrangement. 


Post and Courier Services 


Haulage Services – call-off arrangement 


Catering Service – call-off arrangement 


PAT testing – call off arrangement. 


Trades and Labour Services – call-off arrangement 


Office Cleaning services 


Winterisation service for roads/paths 


Rigging equipment hire service – call off arrangement. 


Containerised Storage 

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Zero Carbon O & M Services Ltd


Come join us on the Journey to Zero Carbon. 

© 2022 Archytas Media

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